
From Our Customers
“Kevin and his team are amazing. My wife and I love the sandstone retaining wall with a bench incorporated into it. Kevin went above and beyond. He’s detailed and thorough. His number one concern was making sure his customers are happy and she did just that. Thanks again for everything that you and your team did.”
“They did a great job with our patio. Crew was very friendly and knowledgeable.”
“Project complete. Huge thanks to LB Greenway Landscaping. If you need anything, give them a call.”
“The patio looks wonderful! Thank you so much for ‘seeing’ my vision. It is truly amazing”
“Thanks for such a great looking wall. It’s more than we hoped it would be.”
-Phil and Betty
“Thanks for your creative ideas and attention to details with our retaining wall project. I’m very happy with the results”
“Your excitement to perform the work properly and give us a beautiful solution was refreshing. It is so rare in today’s world to find people who do quality work and stand behind their work. You, and your entire crew are exceptional!”
- Terry & Nanci

Work featured on the front of Menards Decks, Landscaping & More Catalog 2008

Above and Beyond Expectations

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